“Over the last three years, you have been subjected to the most massive, harmonized, globally coordinated propaganda campaign in the history of the western world…Western governments, non-governmental organizations, transnational organizations, pharmaceutical corporations, media, and financial corporations have cooperated via public-private partnerships, which I assert is a euphemism for fascism, to deploy the most massive, globally harmonized, psychological propaganda operation in the history of the world.” Robert W. Malone, MD, infectious-disease researcher
“There never was a viral pandemic of a novel pathogen. I don’t believe there has been a novel cause of significant illness and death, other than our government’s responses to the fake ‘pandemic.’ The deaths that we saw, I’m afraid, were medical malpractice at best and murder at worst. Basically, we were lied to from the beginning.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President
Tyrants exterminate their people all throughout history, censor, arrest and/or kill those few who speak up and resist, and continue to get away with it because too many people don’t learn and push back! And we are now living under tyranny disguised as a medical crisis abetted by the masses’ gullibility and ignorance.
“…In 2002, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, ‘an infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus’… ‘Infectious replication defective’ means a weapon. It means something meant to target an individual but not have collateral damage to other individuals...We engineered SARS; SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon…SARS is the research developed by humans weaponizing a life-system model to actually attack human beings and they patented it in 2002." Dr. David Martin
“We’ll just get rid of all the White people in the United States [who refuse vaccines].” Carol Baker, appointed chair of the CDC advisory committee on immunization practices, 2009.
Trust the science? Why would you do that? Science is not blindly ‘trusted.’ It is analyzed, discussed, questioned and debated. Highly credentialed scientists often disagree on an issue! The very people ordering you to trust their plandemic pseudo-science are the same clowns censoring and delicensing dissenting scientists and doctors. Still worshipping All Things Fauci? An international alliance of over 17,000 dissenting physicians have signed the Americans For Health Freedom Declaration.
“All of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons…Graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because it is poisonous to humans, and because it is the main ingredient in the hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface…When the graphene oxide in the vaccines becomes positively charged, such as by electromagnetic radiation, radio frequency, wireless devices, wireless networks such as 5G, etc., it will annihilate anything it comes into contact with and therefore can cause great damage and death depending on how much of it exists in the body and where it is located…” Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
“The World Health Organization should be declared a terrorist organization because of the damage it has caused and the lies it has spread. Today, it would be safer to sign contracts with the Colombian drug cartels than with the WHO.” Mislav Kolakušić, Croatian MEP, European Parliament
“The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam … And now Biden is pushing to bypass the United States Senate to enter a Pandemic Treaty that would surrender American sovereignty to the W.H.O. … Under the next Trump Administration, that treaty will be immediately terminated … Then I will work to forge a new coalition of nations that are strongly committed to protecting health while also upholding sovereignty and freedom.” President Donald J. Trump
President Donald Trump promoted proven coronavirus treatment Hydroxychloroquine and the irradiation of the blood as a means of purification and was predictably mocked by the mainstream media. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood was used during World War II and the Japanese have developed equipment precisely for this purpose. Furthermore, since it is illegal to develop and administer a vaccine when cures for a particular disease already exist, knowledge of that fact alone should make one logically inquire, ‘why then the vax?’
Operation Warp Speed’s deliberate premature release of the jab as Emergency Use Authorization prevented it from being legally forced into unwilling humans (yes, the Biden mandates were unconstitutional and illegal) and ensured an eventual self-destruct as people would awaken to the truth about the entire narrative. Coupled with Trump advocating the above cures in 2020, his embattled Warp Speed prevented further worldwide lockdowns, the bankrupting of small business owners, the accompanying transfer of wealth into big chain stores that magically were allowed to stay open, and the incarceration of courageous citizens who refuse the jab into detainment/quarantine camps.
It is imperative to understand that the Marxist oligarchs are not seeking power to protect our health or to save the planet. They seek power uniquely for power’s sake for this is their psychopathology. Empty, dark, soul-less and envying our divine humanity, breaking our vitality and humiliating us are the drugs that arouse and empower them. Seeing humans as cattle, slaves and prey, they despise our individual sovereignty, our private ownership of homes, businesses and land, and manufacture endless chaos, fake crises and fear as the means to behavior modification, to obliterate civil rights, confiscate property, and control us. Thus, ‘you will own nothing’ because they will own everything. The dire importance of understanding this cannot be overstated as it is the root of every single act of evil throughout history.
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